“A perfect gift for someone pregnant”
Pregnant mums often feel they don’t have time to nurture themselves, but it takes only 60-90 minutes to make you feel ‘normal’ again and ready to face the unique challenges of life as a mum-to-be. Which is important is it not? Massage is an effective way to naturally relieve stress, pain and discomfort during pregnancy. It’s also a wonderful way to nurture yourself.
Massage helps with muscle aches, pains and cramps. It can be of benefit for upper back pain, lower back and hip pain as well as neck and shoulder tension. Massage increases levels of the ‘feel good’ hormones serotonin and dopamine and decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Revive’s pregnancy massage
We know where a pregnant woman’s aches and tension spots are likely to be and may be able to provide some relief. But importantly we know which areas and techniques to avoid. If you are past your first trimester we may be able to help providing any medical conditions are ok’ed by your midwife or GP first – contact us if you want to talk about it further.
How revive can make it easy for you:
After hours appointments are available so someone can baby sit other kids while you have all of your cares and tension massaged away. We use a table designed to accommodate a woman’s pregnant belly if need be. Otherwise we will use pillows and bolsters to position you comfortably. Lying on your side is often most comfortable.
We avoid massage during the first trimester and in the case of some medical conditions we will require approval from your GP, midwife or specialist. Contact us prior to booking if you have a medical condition.
One study at the University of Miami School of Medicine suggests that massage therapy might have multiple positive effects, including:
-Lowered anxiety
-Decreased back and leg pain
-Improved sleep
-Decreased levels of the stress hormone norepinephrine
In another study of pregnancy massage in depressed women, researchers found:
-Increased levels of the “feel-good” hormones serotonin and dopamine
-Decreased levels of cortisol, an indicator of stress
-An overall improvement in mood |